Maxq610 user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ610 User Manual
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MAXQ610 User’s Guide
IP, 0Ch[00h]
Instruction Pointer Register (16 bits)
This register is cleared to 8000h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read/write access .
IP.15 to IP.0
This register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed and is automati-
cally incremented by 1 after each program fetch .
Writing an address value to this register causes program flow to jump to that address .
Reading from this register does not affect program flow .
SP, 0Dh[01h]
Stack Pointer Register (16 bits)
This register is cleared to 03F0h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read/write access .
SP.9 to SP.0
These 10 bits indicate the current top (equals the lowest address used) of the soft stack .
This pointer is decremented before a value is pushed on the stack (increasing the stack
depth, MOVE @++SP, …) and incremented after a value is popped from the stack
(decreasing the stack depth, MOVE …, @SP--) .
SP.15 to SP.10
Reserved . Reads return 0 .
IV, 0Dh[02h]
Interrupt Vector Register (16 bits)
This register is cleared to 0020h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read-only .
IV.15 to IV.0
This register contains the address of the interrupt service routine . The interrupt handler
generates a CALL to an offset from this address whenever the corresponding interrupt is
acknowledged .
LC[0], 0Dh[06h]
Loop Counter 0 Register (16 bits)
This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read/write access .
LC[0].15 to LC[0].0
This register is used as the loop counter for the DJNZ LC[0], src operation . This operation
decrements LC[0] by one and then jumps to the address specified in the instruction by src .
LC[1], 0Dh[07h]
Loop Counter 1 Register (16 bits)
This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read/write access .
LC[1].15 to LC[1].0
This register is used as the loop counter for the DJNZ LC[1], src operation . This operation
decrements LC[1] by one and then jumps to the address specified in the instruction by src .
OFFS, 0Eh[03h]
Frame Pointer Offset Register (8 bits)
This register is cleared to 00h on all forms of reset .
Unrestricted direct read/write access .
OFFS.7 to OFFS.0
This 8-bit register provides the frame pointer (FP) offset from the base pointer (BP) . The
frame pointer is formed by unsigned addition of frame pointer base register (BP) and
frame pointer offset register (OFFS) . The contents of this register can be postincremented
or postdecremented when using the frame pointer for read operations and can be prein-
cremented or predecremented when using the frame pointer for write operations . A carry
out or borrow resulting from an increment/decrement operation has no effect on the frame
pointer base register (BP) .