Maxq610 user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ610 User Manual
Page 24

MAXQ610 User’s Guide
2.6.8 Disabling MAXQ610-Specific Memory Access Features
The MAXQ610 memory-protection features are specific to the MAXQ610/69 family of parts and can cause some con-
fusion in the way that they impact debugging and bootloader commands when compared to MAXQ parts . To enable
users to develop initial firmware as quickly as possible, the following code can be added to your application code to
disable the memory protection features and allow code loading and debugging in the same manner as previous parts:
Jump Start
ORG 000eh
DW 0ffffh ; disable debug lockout
ORG 000fh
DW 0ffffh ; do not define a user loader page
ORG 0010h
DW offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh
DW offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh, offffh,offffh
ORG 0020h
; interrupt vectors go here
ORG 0100h
; Your application code here
Once the memory-protection features are fully understood, this code can be removed from the user’s application code
to enable memory access control .
For ROM-only versions, the customer provides ULDR and UAPP with the ROM contents. This information is
stored during manufacture.