Maxq610 user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ610 User Manual

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MAXQ610 User’s Guide



TB0C (08h, 02h)

Timer B 0 Compare Register (16-bit register)


This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .

TB0C.15 to TB0C.0

Timer B Compare Bits 15:0. This register is used for comparison versus the TBV value

when Timer B is operated in compare mode .

TB0V (09h, 02h)

Timer B 0 Value Register (16-bit register)


The Timer B Value is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .

TB0V.15 to TB0V.0

Timer B Value Bits 15:0. This register is used to load and read the 16-bit Timer B value .

TB1C (0Ah, 02h)

Timer B Compare Register (see the TB0C register bit description)

TB1V (0Bh, 02h)

Timer B Value Register (see the TB0V register bit description)

IRV (0Ch, 02h)

IR Value Register (16-bit register)


This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .

IRV.15 to IRV.0

IR Value Register Bits 15:0. The IRV register is a 16-bit register that holds the current IR

timer value . The IR timer value starts counting when the IREN bit is set to 1 . It stops count-
ing when the IREN bit is cleared to 0 and retains the current timer value .

SCON0 (00h, 03h)

Serial Port 0 Control Register


The serial port control is cleared to 00h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .

SCON0.0 (RI)

Receive Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates that a data byte has been received in the serial

port buffer . The bit is set at the end of the 8th bit for mode 0, after the last sample of the
incoming stop bit for mode 1 subject to the value of the SM2 bit, or after the last sample of
RB8 for modes 2 and 3 . This bit must be cleared by software once set .

SCON0.1 (TI)

Transmit Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates that the data in the serial port data buffer has

been completely shifted out . It is set at the end of the last data bit for all modes of operation
and must be cleared by software once set .

SCON0.2 (RB8)

9th Received Bit State. This bit identifies the state of the 9th bit of received data in serial

port modes 2 and 3 . When SM2 is 0, it is the state of the stop bit in mode 1 . This bit has no
meaning in mode 0 .

SCON0.3 (TB8)

9th Transmission Bit State. This bit defines the state of the 9th transmission bit in serial

port modes 2 and 3 .


Receive Enable .

REN_0 = 0: Serial port 0 receiver disabled .
REN_0 = 1: Serial port 0 receiver enabled for modes 1, 2, and 3 . Initiate synchronous
reception for mode 0 .

SCON0.5 (SM2)

Serial Port Mode Bit 2. Setting this bit in mode 1 ignores reception if an invalid stop bit is

detected . Setting this bit in mode 2 or 3 enables multiprocessor communications, and pre-
vents the RI bit from being set and the interrupt from being asserted if the 9th bit received
is 0 . This bit also used to support mode 0 for clock selection:
SM2 = 0: Clock is divided by 12 .
SM2 = 1: Clock is divided by 4 .