Maxq610 user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ610 User Manual
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MAXQ610 User’s Guide
This is no different for instructions that operate on data pointers . For example, a pointer to pointer move such as MOVE
@DP[1], @DP[0] first requires the read pointer to be activated . Architecturally, this strobes the chip enable and read
signals on the memory mapped to the location in DP[0] . This value is latched internally so that it is available when @
DP[0] is used as the source operand . At that time, the internally latched data is transferred to the destination register .
This functions normally when memory protection is not enabled . However if MPE is set the same code can cause a
memory protection fault . For this example let us assume the following:
1) The code is executing from RAM
2) REQUESTED_RAM_ADDRESS is defined as #0000h
3) Flash memory is located from 0000h–7FFFh
; Activates DP[0]
; In this MMU mapping,
; addresses 0-7FFFh are in Flash
; and *if* the previous contents
; of DP[0], modified by DPC, are
; in System space, we will generate
; a memory fault
MOVE DP[0], #REQUESTED_RAM_ADDRESS ; Again, activates DP[0]
; Now we know that DP[0]
; points to address 0000h
; and in the current MMU
; mapping, we are
; definitely pointing to
; *and reading from*
; System space in flash.
; Changes MMU mapping. In
; this case, addresses
; 0-7FFFh point to RAM
; actual ROM function
MOVE DP[0], DP[0]
; space. If we studied
; the above discussion
; carefully, we know that
; *activate* means *read*
; Transfer the latched
; DP[0] value to GR
So, if MPE is enabled and the memory fault interrupt is enabled, the first two instructions generate a memory fault and
the corresponding interrupt is executed . To avoid a memory fault under these circumstances, a function must be writ-
ten in flash . This function has to take as an input, the address to be accessed, but it must be passed using a nonpointer
register (such as an accumulator register) . The RAM code routine would write the address into this register (e .g ., A[0]) .