Configuration – Welch Allyn 901061 Propaq LT Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual

Page 129

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Directions for Use


Time Format

__ 12-hour AM/PM
__ 24-hour

Decimal Format

__ Dot
__ Comma

You can configure the monitor to use a dot (for example, 195.18) or a comma (195,18) to
display the decimal point.

Regulatory Set

__ US
__ European EC
__ Japan Metrology


Configuration Name

Configuration Name
(Up to 40 characters.)

For each configuration, enter a unique name that identifies the following:

the hospital and the care unit or department that owns the monitor

the date on which this configuration is created

The name can include any standard keyboard characters other than the comma (,). For

StEGH #9 West Dec_29 2003

If multiple configuration files are created on the same day, include additional identifying
information to the configuration name. For example:

StEGH #9 West Dec_29 2003 Pediatric
StEGH #9 West Dec_29 2003 Neonate