Printing – Welch Allyn 901061 Propaq LT Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual

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Printing patient data

Welch Allyn Propaq LT Vital Signs Monitor

The printed data includes the following:

In the Trends printout:

Up to 24 hours of HR/PR, RR/BR, and SpO


trends (one set of measurements per

row, with a 15-minute interval between rows).



spot checks and NIBP measurements, interspersed among the rows of

trends data.

In the Snapshots printout:

Up to twenty snapshots (21-second intervals of full-disclosure patient data,
including waveforms and numerics).

The utility extracts the available ECG Leads from the patient data and prints a
page of strips for each snapshot. Depending on the number of ECG Leads
available, the strips may contain 21 seconds of data for one or three Leads of
ECG data.

The utility supports US Letter and European A4 page sizes.


To print the patient data stored in a monitor


Install the AutoPrint Utility on a PC.


Insert the Propaq LT Monitor PC Utility Program in the CD-ROM drive of the PC.


Follow the on-screen instructions to install the AutoPrint Utility.


Connect the PC to a cradle (Propaq LT Monitor Charging/Communications Cradle),
using the supplied USB cable.

Each time a monitor is inserted into this cradle while the cradle is connected via USB
cable to the PC, the patient data stored in the monitor is printed on the default printer.

Patients monitored continuously for 24 hours typically generate enough data for a 2-
or 3-page trends table of two panels per page. For example, a 24-hour report with the
following data (192 rows) would cover three pages:

96 rows of vital-signs data (4 intervals/hr = 4 rows per hour) for 24 hours

48 NIBP readings (2/hr)

48 SpO


spot-check readings (2/hr)

Figure 100

shows a typical printout.

Text in italic font indicates one of the trends measurements taken at 15-minute

Text in bold font indicates an NIBP measurement or an SpO


spot check.

White text in a black box indicates an alarm condition—a measurement that is
outside of alarm limits.


indicates a measurement value below the monitor’s measurement range.


indicates a measurement value above the monitor’s measurement range.


indicates an undetermined measurement value.