Scale, Scale2, Disable on fault – Rockwell Automation 1398-PDM-xxx IQ Master Version 3.2.4 for IA-2000 and IQ-5000 Positioning Drive Modules, IQ-55 User Manual

Page 63: Rotation, Rotation 2, Latched position, Scale scale2 disable on fault rotation rotation 2

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Parameter Menu • System


Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000



SCALE is the number of feedback counts for 1 user unit. The feedback counts can be generated from
either encoder 1 or encoder 2 as specified in the Feedback Configuration dialog box. For more detailed
information on this value, refer to Part 5

Language Reference.


SCALE2 is the number of Encoder 2 counts for 1 user unit of distance when Encoder 2 is not used for
position feedback. When Encoder 2 is used for position feedback SCALE is used. See Scale above for
how to determine the proper scaling. For more detailed information on this value refer to Part 5


guage Reference.

Disable on Fault

On some machines you may want the ULTRA Plus or IQ to continue running even after some faults
occur. This is accomplished by setting Disable on Fault to Partial. In this case, the following faults are
disabled: Iavg fault, Motor Overtemperature, Soft Forward Limit, and Soft Reverse Limit. All faults
will cause the Error output to turn ON (if enabled). However, if Disable on Fault is set to Partial, and a
fault listed above occurs, the ULTRA Plus or IQ will remain enabled and execute motion programs nor-
mally. The Error output in this case serves as an alarm, and a programmable logic controller (PLC) or
other controller can then gracefully shut down the machine without damaging the tooling or work piece.
This setting is made in the Parameter menu, System dialog box of IQ Master, or with the FLTDIS Host
Language Command. Refer to Part 6

Host Language Commands.


Rotation determines the positive direction of the Encoder 1 input (motor). The parameter can be set to
clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). If set to CW, a clockwise rotation of the motor as viewed
from the shaft end is defined as the positive (or forward) direction and counterclockwise rotation is
defined as the negative (or reverse) direction. Conversely, if Rotation is set to CCW, counterclockwise
rotation is defined as the positive direction and clockwise rotation as the negative direction. This param-
eter is used to define which rotation direction of the motor is to be considered the positive direction.

Rotation 2

Rotation2 sets the positive direction of rotation for the Encoder 2 input as either clockwise (CW) or
counterclockwise (CCW).

Latched Position

Latched Position selects either Pos1 (encoder 1–default) or Pos2 (encoder 2) as the input to the hard-
ware position latch. For more detailed information on this value, refer to Part 5

Language Reference,




Use caution when setting Disable on Fault to Partial. This defeats the
fault safety protection of the

ULTRA Plus or IQ. For example, if

Disable on Fault is set to Partial and the ULTRA Plus or IQ exceeds the
Iavg value for an extended period of time, the ULTRA Plus or IQ could
be damaged because it will not be disabled due to the fault.

Note: If the Latched Position source is changed, the change will not take effect until the next
power-up or Hard Reset.