System program 5 - run, Program listing, Appendixes – Rockwell Automation 1398-PDM-xxx IQ Master Version 3.2.4 for IA-2000 and IQ-5000 Positioning Drive Modules, IQ-55 User Manual

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System Programs • System Program 5 - Run

Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000


System Program 5 - Run

This program runs a motion program by asking an operator to enter a program number to run. The Oper-
ator Terminal screen and keypad is used to prompt the operator.

Program Listing

;Source File Name: RUN.QPS

;Version: 3.00

;Tested with IQMaster Version: 3.00

;Tested with IQ firmware Version: 3.00

;------------------------------ Description ------------------------------

;This is the default operator terminal function key program to run a

;specific program number.

;This program is saved as System Program #5 in standard personality modules.

;It may also be saved as any Function Key System Program (range is 1-24).

;The source is NOT saved in standard personality modules.


;This program prompts an operator to enter a program number from the

;operator terminal keypad. After the operator verifies this action with

;a Yes or No, the selected program is run.


;---------------------------- Variables used -----------------------------

;F63 used for yes/no input from operator

;FNVAR1 special variable reserved for Function Key programs

;-------------------------------- Inputs ---------------------------------


;-------------------------------- Outputs --------------------------------


;---------------- Optional Accessories Required/Supported ----------------

;Operator Terminal - REQUIRED

;An operator selects the program to run using the operator

;terminal keypad.

;----------------------------- Begin Program -----------------------------


PGMTYPE = FKEYPGM ;Set compiler options



PRINT 1,4 "Run Program" ;Ask operator for program number.

FNVAR1 = PGMNUM ;Use current program as default selection.

IF (PGMNUM = 255) ;The current program # is changed to 0 if

PGMNUM = 0 ; it is at 255. A 255 indicates that the

; default run sequence has been used for

; last program execution.

READ 3,1 "Program # ", SHOW FNVAR1 ,2,0 (0,31)

;The program range is limited here to #31.

;If a Memory and I/O option card is present,

; this number should be increased to 63.

PRINT 3,1 "Run Pgm ",FNVAR1 ,2,0

READ " Y/N?",F63 ;Ask for verification before starting program.

; (operator must press ’Y’ )

IF (F63 = ON) ;If operator says ’Y’,


PGMNUM = FNVAR1 ; set program number,

STARTP = ON ; and start program.


CLR ;Clear F-Key screen on exit.