System program 0 - auto, Program listing, Appendixes – Rockwell Automation 1398-PDM-xxx IQ Master Version 3.2.4 for IA-2000 and IQ-5000 Positioning Drive Modules, IQ-55 User Manual

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System Programs • System Program 0 - Auto


Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000


System Program 0 - Auto

The AUTO program is a unique system program that runs automatically upon power up or after an
HRESET command is executed. All programming statements including motion commands may be
used. The AUTO program may be used to print a message to the Operator Terminal screen, initialize
variables, or may contain the entire application program. Caution should be used when using motion
commands in the AUTO program since motion could occur immediately upon power up. The AUTO
program will run even if the ULTRA Plus or IQ is disabled. If a motion command is reached in the
AUTO program while the ULTRA Plus or IQ is disabled, the program will be “hung” until the ULTRA
Plus or IQ is enabled by the Enable Input or Enable host command or until power is removed or an
HRESET command is executed. The Auto program will continue once enabled.

The AUTO program is considered a motion program, so it cannot run in parallel with another motion
program. Other system programs such as Operator Terminal function key programs may run in parallel
with the AUTO program.

When a program is compiled to save to the ULTRA Plus or IQ as the AUTO program, the Compiler
Options must be set for Program type - “Auto” and Add Debug Information - cleared (off). See Part 2 •
IQ Master Environment, for a complete description of compiler options.

The example AUTO program listed below prints a message to the Operator Terminal screen.

Program Listing

;Source File Name: AUTO.QPS

;Version: 3.20

;Tested with IQMaster Version: 3.20

;Tested with IQ firmware Version: 3.20

;------------------------------ Description ------------------------------

;This is an example ’Auto’ program.


;This program prints "Allen-Bradley" to the operator terminal

;screen(serial port 1).


;--------------------------- Variables used ------------------------------


;-------------------------------- Inputs ---------------------------------


;-------------------------------- Outputs --------------------------------


;---------------- Optional Accessories Required/Supported ----------------

;Operator Terminal - SUPPORTED

;The message will be printed to the operator terminal screen.

;----------------------------- Begin Program -----------------------------

TITLE "Auto"



;Clear operator terminal screen

PRINT 1,7 "Allen-Bradley"

;Print at row 1, column 5