Displaying the number of devices per channel, Displaying a controller’s cpu speed – HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual
Page 36

Command Line Interface User’s Guide
Access Mode: READ-WRITE
Controller Serial Number: Last Six Digits = A7F90F
Number of Channels: 4
Controller Hardware: 1.0
Displaying the Number of Devices per Channel
device per channel
attribute indicates the
maximum number of devices, not including the host controller, that
can reside on a channel.
To display the number of targets on a channel, use the
command, as in the following example. In the example,
the Devices per Channel item indicates that a channel can have up
to 15 devices attached to it.
HPN0> controller details
Executing: controller details
Controller Information
Device Name: HPN0
Controller Type: HP NetRAID-4M
Access Mode: READ-WRITE
Controller Serial Number: Last Six Digits = A7F90F
Number of Channels: 4
Devices per Channel: 15
Controller Hardware: 1.0
Displaying a Controller’s CPU Speed
controller CPU speed
attribute indicates the clock speed
(in megahertz) of the CPU that resides on the controller.
To display the controller clock speed, use the
command, as in the following example. In the example,