HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 333

background image



displaying 14-4


container drive letter 6-6
failover disk attributes 9-29
file system attributes 9-39
global failover disks

attributes 9-32


failover disks from a single

container 9-29

file system 9-39
file system in UNIX 9-40
global failover disks 9-31

renumbering a container’s ID 6-10
report count

display and set 4-27

rescanning a controller 3-15
reset channel 3-24
restoring a RAID-5 set 9-16

how to 9-17

resuming controller I/O 3-15
resuming tasks 13-9
root special file associated with a

display 6-6


S.M.A.R.T. attributes 4-20

enable exception control 4-23
error count 4-28
interval timer 4-26
log errors 4-25
MRIE performance enabled 4-24
report count 4-27
S.M.A.R.T. capable device 4-21
S.M.A.R.T. method of reporting

informational exceptions 4-21

S.M.A.R.T. disks

working with 4-19

scanning for remote management

services agent 14-4


examples 15-6
executing 15-1
executing from the afacli

command prompt 15-2

executing from the DOS

command prompt 15-3

executing from the NetWare and

Windows command
prompts 15-5

executing from the OS command

prompt 15-2

executing from the UNIX

command prompt 15-3

working with 15-1


mirror set 9-14
RAID-5 set 9-18

scrubbing a mirror set 9-14

how to 9-15
i/o wait duration 9-14

scrubbing a RAID-5 set

how to 9-19
i/o wait duration 9-18


default ID 4-9
device properties 4-19
disks, initializing 4-9

SCSI device

adding to a container 9-3
ID 3-21, 4-3
name 3-21
names 4-3


remote management 14-1

setting a default SCSI device ID 4-10
setting the mail server 12-5
single level container

working with 7-1

slow wide channel type 3-23
SMTP 12-1
Snapshot 10-3

compact mode 10-2