HP 4400 User Manual

The HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array offers midsize customers a high-performance, scalable and highly available
virtualized array at an affordable price point. Designed to reduce the complexity and total cost of ownership of traditional arrays, the
EVA4400 is ideal for customers who are looking for a reliable and available, easy to manage, cost effective storage solution.
The EVA4400 delivers all the business benefits of virtualization such as ease of management, superior capacity utilization, and self-
tuning performance that have made the EVA product family one of best selling arrays in its class. The affordable, easy to use
EVA4400 provides broad operating system support and is built on the EVA4100/6100/8100 architecture with dual-redundant
design and offering 99.999% availability. Plus, it supports the robust local and remote replication capabilities of Business Copy and
Continuous Access EVA allowing customers to configure for disaster tolerance and the ability to easily keep applications on-line
during backup and restore. The EVA4400 delivers real value to customers with cost savings that include easy set up, installation and
configuration, and self-repair capabilities. EVA4400 also offers tiered storage so you can match the value of data to your business
needs with support for high-performing fibre channel drives or lower priced FATA drives. With the flexibility to attach to iSCSI and FC
SAN networks, you can deploy networking technologies that make sense for your environment. With HP SmartStart for EVA Storage
and Command View management software and storage provisioning capabilities of Dynamic Capacity Management software,
customers spend less time managing their storage and more time managing their business. EVA bundled offerings include EVA4400
Starter Kits and EVA4400 Starter Kits for HP BladeSystems which provide the easiest way to order, set up and install EVA4400.
HP offers a full spectrum of complimentary HP StorageWorks EVA hardware, software product, solutions and HP services for the
EVA4400. These range from an EVA4400 Starter Kits for affordable, fast and easy small SAN deployment, EVA iSCSI Connectivity
Option, Business Copy EVA, Continuous Access EVA and solution integration. In addition, the EVA warranty offering provides the
base level of service to which you can add appropriate service option. HP Services provide additional offerings up to Critical Service,
the support for mission critical environments.
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
DA - 12893 North America — Version 1 — February 26, 2008
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