HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 325

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synchronous and asynchronous

command execution 9-36

container ID

displaying 6-10
renumbering 6-10

container identification attributes

cluster partner 6-7
container label 6-11
container number 6-9
container type 6-12
drive letter 6-5
root special filer 6-6

container label

displaying and setting 6-11

container move command 6-10
container number attribute 4-14
container offline

attributes 9-44

container promote

how to 9-7

container promote command 9-6
container promotion

attributes 9-7
in UNIX 9-8
working with 9-6

container readonly command 6-22
container readwrite command 6-23
container reconfiguration

attributes 9-2
in UNIX 9-6
working with 9-2

container reconfiguration attributes

container type 9-3
extend file system 9-4
partition move 9-4
partition size 9-4
SCSI device 9-3
stripe size 9-3
wait 9-5

container reconfigure command 9-2
container release cache

attributes 9-26

container release_cache

command 9-26

container remove commands

container remove failover 9-29
container remove

file_system 9-39

container remove

global_failover 9-32

container restore raid5

command 9-16

container scrub

synchronous and asynchronous

command execution 9-15,

container scrub command 9-14
container set cache attributes

enable read cache 9-21
enable write cache 9-23
unprotected 9-23

container set commands

container set cache 9-21
container set failover 3-17, 9-27
container set

global_failover 3-17, 9-30

container set label 6-11

container show commands

container show cache 6-40
container show failover 9-28

container size attributes 6-15

total size 6-19

container snapshot

how to remove 10-9
how to update 10-8

container split command 9-11
container total size

displaying and setting 6-19

container type

display and set 6-12
reconfiguring 9-3

container unmirror command 9-12
container unmirroring

attributes 9-13