HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 327

background image



destination container 6-33
diagnostic attributes

understanding 11-2

diagnostic commands

diagnostic clear

boot_parameter 11-6

diagnostic dump structures 11-6
diagnostic dump text 11-4
diagnostic load_containers 11-9
diagnostic moderation set

count 11-7

diagnostic moderation set

timer 11-8

diagnostic moderation show

count 11-3

diagnostic moderation show

timer 11-3

diagnostic set

boot_parameters 11-7

diagnostic show

boot_parameter 11-4

diagnostic show history 11-5
working with 11-1

diangostic data

dumping 11-4


initialization state 4-9
initializing 4-8
quick format 9-35
verifying 4-18

disk attributes 4-2

bytes per block 4-6
device type 4-3
disk defect 4-7
disk usage 4-6
number of blocks 4-6
product ID 4-5
removable media 4-4
revision number 4-5
SCSI device ID 4-3
vendor ID 4-4

disk commands

disk blink 4-19

disk initialize 4-9
disk list 4-3
disk set default 4-10
disk set smart 4-22
disk show default 4-10
disk show devects 4-7
disk show smart 4-21
disk show space 6-17, 7-4

disk light

blinking 4-19


blinking activity light 4-19
clearing 4-19
erasing 4-19
initializing SCSI 4-9
properties, working with 4-19
recognizing new disks 3-17
S.M.A.R.T. 4-19
verifying 3-17
working with 4-1


adding a disk to 5-12
assigning management 5-16
attached state 5-6
attaching 5-18
change failoverpool

assignment 5-26

change ownership 5-21
changing label 5-20
creating 5-11
deleting 5-15
displaying members of 5-10
force ownership 5-23
label 5-7
member of failover pool 5-9
number of disks in 5-6
on a controller with a shared

channel 5-8

release ownership 5-24
removing a disk from 5-13
take ownership 5-22
working with 5-1