Executing a script from the cli command prompt, Executing a script from the os command prompt – HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual
Page 312

Command Line Interface User’s Guide
The following sections describe how to execute CLI scripts from the
afacli and OS command prompts.
Executing a Script from the CLI Command Prompt
A script that is to be run from the CLI command prompt consists of:
A script file. For DOS and NetWare environments, a .afa
filename extension is required. In the UNIX environment, a
filename extension is not required.
One or more CLI commands separated by a carriage return.
The script file may contain CLI commands only.
See Chapter 2, Introducing the Command Line Interface, for
information on how to access the CLI command prompt on the
different operating systems.
The following example shows a sample script that can be run from
the CLI command prompt. Note that the "!" (exclamation point)
preceding the disk list command makes the line a comment line.
logfile start 3-22-log.txt
open HPN0
container list
!disk list
logfile end
See the Command Line Interface Reference Guide for a description of
each of these commands.
When running a script from the CLI command prompt, you enter
the script file name with the file name extension (DOS and
NetWare), and precede the filename with @ (at sign), as in the
following example:
> @clist.afa
Executing a Script from the OS Command Prompt
The following sections provide information on executing CLI scripts
at the DOS, UNIX, and NetWare command prompts.