HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual
Page 335

container label 8-7
stripe size 8-7
stripe set of volume sets
attributes 8-7
creating in NetWare 8-9
creating in UNIX 8-9
how to create 8-8
stripe size
changing 9-3
displaying and setting 6-19
specify when creating stripe
stripe size attribute
stripe set of mirror sets 8-3
stripe set of RAID-5 sets 8-14
stripe set of stripe sets 8-10
stripe size attributes
taking a container offline 9-44
taking ownership of a diskset 5-22
target ID 4-3
targets 3-12
displaying task funciton 13-3
displaying task state 13-4
displaying task status 13-5
displaying the ID 13-2
percentage done 13-3
resuming 13-9
suspending 13-8
task attributes
task function 13-3
task ID 13-2
task percentage done 13-3
task specific1 13-4
task specific2 13-5
task state 13-4
task status 13-5
task commands
task list 13-2
task resume 13-9
task stop 13-7
task suspend 13-8
starting 13-6
stopping 13-7
working with 13-1
temporary container 6-34
testing mail message reporting 12-8
UFI file
UFI files
ultra channel type 3-23
ultra2LVD 3-23
unconfigured snapshot 10-11
understanding controller
UNIX operating system
unlocking information in network
usage attributes 6-24
user flash image files