HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual
Page 329

container 9-40
file system 9-4, 9-37
multi-level container of volume
controller automatic 3-17
disk 9-27
manual 3-17
pool 5-9
failover disks
assigning global 9-30
assigning to a single
how to assign global 9-30
how to assign to a single
how to remove global 9-32
removing from a single
fast channel type 3-23
FAST remote management services
fast wide channel type 3-23
FAST window, accessing CLI
fiber channel 3-23
file system
adding 9-33
adding in UNIX 9-37
attributes 9-34
compression 9-35
extending 9-4, 9-37
extending in UNIX 9-39
how to add to a container 9-36
removing 9-39
removing in UNIX 9-40
specifying 9-34
working with 9-33
file system attributes
allocation size 9-35
compression 9-35
file system 9-34
label 9-34
quick format 9-35
wait 9-36
flash EPROM
Window, accessing CLI from 2-2
forcing ownership of a diskset 5-23
specify when creating a volume
global cache buffer pools 6-39
global container failover 9-27
global failover disks
assigning 9-30
how to remove 9-32
removing global 9-31
hidden container 6-9
history log 11-5