HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 324

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Command Line Interface User’s Guide


mail test 12-9
open 3-3
remote add 14-6
remote delete 14-10
remote list 14-3
remote lock 14-7
remote scan 14-4
remote unlock 14-8
remote users 14-4
task list 3-16, 13-2
task resume 13-9
task stop 13-7
task suspend 13-8

comment line 15-2
compact mode

snapshot 10-2


file system 9-35


access attributes 6-20
add level attributes 9-8
add_level command 9-8
always delete 9-46
copy 6-32
deleting 9-45
destination 6-33
extending 9-40
failover 9-27
how to delete 9-46
identification attributes 6-2
source 6-34
taking offline 9-44
temporary 6-34
types 6-12
unconditional delete 9-46

container access attributes

lock 6-23
read/write 6-22
read-only 6-21

container assign drive_letter

command 6-5

container attributes

working with 6-1

container cache attributes

global container read cache

size 6-40

global container write cache

size 6-41

read cache setting 6-41
write cache setting 6-42
write cache status setting 6-43

container create commands

container create mirror 7-12
container create mmirror 8-31
container create mstripe 8-3, 8-14
container create mvolume 8-18
container create raid5 7-15, 7-16
container create stripe 7-7
container create volume 7-2

container creation attributes 6-14

creation date 6-14
creation time 6-15

container creation date

displaying 6-14

container creation time

displaying 6-15

container delete

attributes 9-46
how to 9-46

container delete attributes

always 9-46
unconditional 9-46

container delete command 9-45
container drive letter

assign 6-5
display 6-5
remove 6-6

container extend commands

container extend

file_system 9-38

container extend mvolume 9-42
container extend volume 9-40

container format