Testing mail message reporting, How to test the mail server, Testing mail message reporting 12-8 – HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 286: How to test the mail server 12-8

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Command Line Interface User’s Guide

message reporting is set for the DriveLetterChange event type and
the FileSystemChange event type.

HPN0> mail show message /all=TRUE

Executing: mail show message /all=TRUE

Message : DriverLetterChange

To : [email protected]

Subject : HP NetRAID-4M controller message

Body : A drive letter assignment change occurred on

container (%container%).%nl%Controller :

"%adapter%"%nl%Computer : %host%%nl%TIME : %time%%nl%DATE :


Message : FileSystemChange

To : [email protected]

Subject : HP NetRAID-4M controller message

Body : The file system was either created on or removed from

container (%container%).%nl%Controller :

"%adapter%"%nl%Computer : %host%%nl%TIME : %time%%nl%DATE :


Testing Mail Message Reporting

The CLI allows you to test the e-mail message server by sending a
test e-mail notification message to a specified recipient. To send a
test e-mail message, use the

mail test

command. This command

requires that you previously specify a computer as an e-mail server
using the

mail set server


How to Test the Mail Server

This section provides an example that describes how to test the e-
mail server.

To display the name of the computer on which the e-mail server is
set, use the

mail show server

command, as in the following

example. In the example, the Mail Server item indicates that Ares is
the name of the computer on which the e-mail server is set.

HPN0> mail show server

Executing: mail show server

Mail Server : Ares