HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 320

background image

Command Line Interface User’s Guide


container update snapshot

wait 10-7

container usage 6-24
controller attribute 3-8
controller cluster

environment 3-7

controller CPU speed 3-12
controller CPU type 3-10
controller firmware 3-14
controller memory 3-13
controller name 3-8
controller rescan 3-15
controller serial number 3-10
creation date 6-14
creation time 6-15
creator ID 5-4
dead partition 4-17
device per channel or

targets 3-12

device type 4-3
diagnostic 11-2
disk 4-2
disk defect 4-7
disk usage 4-6
disks 5-6
diskset 5-2
diskset ID 5-3
drive letter 6-5
enable exception control 4-23
enable read cache 9-21
enable write cache 9-23
error count 4-28
event notification 12-2
extend file system 9-4, 9-38
extend multi-level container of

volume set 9-43

extend volume set 9-41
failover 5-9
file system 9-34
file system compression 9-35
freespace 9-41
global container read cache

size 6-40

global container write cache

size 6-41

host controller ID 3-22
i/o delay 9-14
interrupt 11-2
interrupt response time 11-3
interval timer 4-26
label 5-7
lock 6-23
lock status 14-2
log errors 4-25
mail body line 12-5
mail message 12-3
mail server 12-3
mail subject line 12-4
mail to line 12-4
members 5-10
mirror set 7-11
mirror set create state 6-31
mirror set normal state 6-31
mirror set scrubbing 9-14
mirror set state 6-30
mirror split 9-11
MRIE performance enabled 4-24
multilevel container ID 4-15
multi-level container of mirror

sets 8-32

multilevel container type 4-16
multi-partition container 6-27
NetWare environment 6-27
no repair when scrubbing a

mirror set 9-14

no repair when scrubbing a

RAID-5 set 9-18

number of blocks 4-6
number of channels 3-11
OS managed 5-7
owner 5-5
partition 4-11
partition move 9-4
partition offset 4-13
partition size 4-13, 9-4