HP NetRAID-4M Controller User Manual

Page 332

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Command Line Interface User’s Guide


how to create 7-19
no repair when scrubbing 9-18
restore attributes 9-17
restoring 9-16
scrub attributes 9-18
scrubbing 9-18
setting parity by scrubbing 7-18
specify freespace 7-16
specify label 7-17
specify stripe size 7-16
state attribute 6-38
synchronous and asynchronous

creation 7-18

working with 7-15, 9-16

RAID-5 set attributes

container label 7-17
stripe size 7-16

RAID-5 set scrub attributes

i/o delay 9-18
no repair 9-18
wait 9-19

RAID-5 set state attributes

RAID-5 set unprotected

state 6-38


working with 8-14

raw container cache 6-39

enable for RAID-5 set 7-17
stripe set 7-8
working with 9-20

read/write mode

open controller 3-3

read-ahead cache

attributes 9-21
enabling 9-20, 9-21

read-only mode

open controller 3-3

reconditioning a battery 3-26
reconfiguration state attributes 6-31

reconfiguration copy container

state 6-32

reconfiguration destination

container state 6-33

reconfiguration RAID-5 set

state 6-33

reconfiguration source container

state 6-34

reconfiguration temporary

container state 6-34


container type 9-3

reconfigure a container

how to 9-5

redundant containers 3-17
releasing cache buffers 9-25

in UNIX 9-27

releasing ownership of a

diskset 5-24

remote computer name

displaying 3-9

remote connection database

adding information to 14-6

remote management

security 14-1
working with 14-1

remote management attributes 14-2

computer name 14-3
lock status 14-2
remote user access mode 14-4
remote user name 14-4

remote management commands

remote add 14-6
remote delete 14-10
remote list 14-3
remote lock 14-7
remote scan 14-4
remote unlock 14-8
remote users 14-4

remote management services

agent 12-3, 14-2
scanning for 14-4

remote user access mode

displaying 14-4

remote user name