HP Integrated Lights-Out 4 User Manual

Page 59

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Table 5 Access options (continued)


Default value


This setting enables you to change the login model of the CLI
feature through the serial port. The following settings are valid:


Serial Command Line
Interface Status

Enabled-Authentication Required—Enables access to the
iLO CLP from a terminal connected to the host serial port.
Valid iLO user credentials are required.

Enabled-No Authentication—Enables access to the iLO CLP
from a terminal connected to the host serial port. iLO user
credentials are not required.

Disabled—Disables access to the iLO CLP from the host
serial port. Use this option if you are planning to use
physical serial devices.

This setting enables you to change the speed of the serial port
for the CLI feature. The following speeds (in bits per second)


Serial Command Line
Interface Speed

are valid: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. The
serial port configuration must be set to no parity, 8 data bits,
and 1 stop bit (N/8/1) for correct operation. The serial port
speed set by this option should match the speed of the serial
port configured in the iLO RBSU or the iLO 4 Configuration
Utility (in the UEFI System Utilities).


The 38400 speed is not currently supported by the

iLO RBSU or the iLO 4 Configuration Utility.

This setting enables or disables logging of the Virtual Serial
Port. When enabled, Virtual Serial Port activity is logged to


Virtual Serial Port Log

a 150-page circular buffer in the iLO memory, and can be
viewed using the CLI command vsp log. The Virtual Serial
Port buffer size is 128 KB.

This feature and many others are part of an iLO licensing
package. For more information about iLO licensing, see the
following website:


This setting specifies the minimum number of characters
allowed when a user password is set or changed. The
character length must be a value from 0 to 39.


Minimum Password

This setting enables you to specify the host server name. You
can assign this value manually, but it might be overwritten by
the host software when the operating system loads.

Server Name

You can enter a server name that is up to 49 bytes.

To force the browser to refresh, save this setting, and then
press F5.

This setting enables you to specify the server FQDN or IP
address. You can assign this value manually, but it might be

Server FQDN/IP Address

overwritten by the host software when the operating system

You can enter an FQDN or IP address that is up to 255 bytes.

To force the browser to refresh, save this setting, and then
press F5.

This setting enables you to configure logging criteria for failed
authentications. All login types are supported; each login type
works independently. The following are valid settings:

Enabled-Every 3rd

Authentication Failure

Enabled-Every Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded
after every failed login attempt.

Enabled-Every 2nd Failure—A failed login log entry is
recorded after every second failed login attempt.

Configuring iLO access settings