Net irc launch is blocked by google chrome, Ilo virtual floppy media applet unresponsive, Troubleshooting ssh issues – HP Integrated Lights-Out 4 User Manual

Page 313: Initial putty input slow

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.NET IRC launch is blocked by Google Chrome

When you launch the .NET IRC in the Chrome browser, the application might fail to start.

If the iLO system is using the default iLO SSL certificate, which is not a trusted certificate that is
signed by a certificate authority, the iLO web interface starts the .NET IRC by using HTTP instead
of HTTPS. Since the iLO web interface uses HTTPS, and the web interface starts the IRC by using
HTTP, the Chrome browser displays a warning.

Solution: Do one of the following:

Solution 1 (most secure): Import an SSL certificate into iLO and enable the IRC Requires a
Trusted Certificate in iLO setting on the Administration

→Security→Remote Console page.

For information about importing certificates, see

“Administering SSL certificates” (page 67)


For information about changing the IRC Requires a Trusted Certificate in iLO setting, see

“Configuring the Integrated Remote Console Trust setting (.NET IRC)” (page 86)


Solution 2: Click the shield icon in the Chrome address bar, and then click the Load unsafe
script link, as shown in

Figure 173 (page 313)


Figure 173 Chrome shield icon

The warning might vary depending on your browser version.

Solution 3: Use a different browser.

Solution 4 (least secure): Use the following command line flag to configure Chrome to stop
checking for insecure content: --allow-running-insecure-content.


If you use this flag, insecure content will be allowed on all web pages. For

more information, see the Chrome documentation.

iLO Virtual Floppy media applet unresponsive

The iLO Virtual Floppy media applet can become unresponsive if the physical floppy diskette
contains media errors.

Solution: To prevent the iLO Virtual Floppy media applet from becoming unresponsive, run a utility
such as CHKDSK.EXE to check the physical floppy disk media for errors. If the physical media
contains errors, load the floppy disk image onto a new physical floppy diskette.

Troubleshooting SSH issues

The following sections discuss troubleshooting SSH issues.

Initial PuTTY input slow

During the initial connection to iLO through a PuTTY client, input is accepted slowly for approximately
5 seconds.

Solution: Change the configuration options in the client. Clear the Disable Nagle's algorithm check
box in the low-level TCP connection options.

Troubleshooting SSH issues