HP Integrated Lights-Out 4 User Manual

Page 180

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Figure 89 Diagnostics page

The Diagnostics page contains the following sections:

iLO Self-Test Results—This section displays the results of internal iLO diagnostics.

The status of each self-test is listed in the Status column. Move the cursor over the status
icons to view a tooltip description. If a status has not been reported for a test, the test is
not listed.

The tests that are run are system dependent. Not all tests are run on all systems. View the
list on the Diagnostics page to verify which tests are performed on your system.

A test might include additional information in the Notes column. This column show the
versions of other system programmable logic, such as the System Board PAL or the Power
Management Controller.

The following information is displayed in the Embedded Flash/SD-CARD test results:

Firmware revision

SD-CARD size

SD-CARD slot

SD-CARD write counter

The write counter counts data in 512-byte blocks. If the write counter is at zero, no
write counter text is displayed in the iLO web interface.

Write counter information is displayed only when a recognized “Genuine HP”
SD-Card is installed with a retail version of iLO.

Reset iLO—This section contains the Reset button, which enables you to reboot the iLO
processor. Using Reset does not make any configuration changes, but ends all active
connections to iLO. If a firmware file upload is in progress, it is terminated. If a firmware flash
is in progress, you cannot reset iLO until the process is finished. You must have the Configure
iLO Settings privilege to use this feature.

180 Using iLO