User contexts do not appear to work, Problems generating keytab by using ktpass.exe, Troubleshooting remote console issues – HP Integrated Lights-Out 4 User Manual

Page 307: Remote console text window not updated correctly

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User contexts do not appear to work

Solution: Check with your network administrator. The full DN of your user object must be in the
directory. Your login name appears after the first CN=. The remainder of the DN must appear in
one of the user context boxes. User contexts are not case sensitive, and any other characters,
including spaces, are part of the user context. For information about entering directory user contexts,

“Configuring directory settings” (page 70)


Directory user does not log out after directory timeout has expired

Solution: If you set the iLO Idle Connection Timeout to Infinite, the Remote Console periodically
pings the firmware to verify that the connection exists. When the ping occurs, the iLO firmware
queries the directory for user permissions. This periodic query keeps the directory connection active,
preventing a timeout and logging the user.

Problems generating keytab by using ktpass.exe

Solution: If you use ktpass.exe to generate a keytab, you must specify a principal name by
using the -princ argument.

Principal names are case sensitive and must be entered as follows:

HTTP/[email protected]

The first part is uppercase (HTTP).

The middle part is lowercase (

The last part is uppercase (@SOMEDOMAIN.NET).

If you do not format the command exactly as shown, it will not work.

Here is an example of the full ktpass.exe command:

ktpass +rndPass -ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST -mapuser [email protected]

-princ HTTP/[email protected] -out myilo.keytab

Troubleshooting Remote Console issues

The following sections discuss troubleshooting Remote Console issues.


Pop-up blocking applications, which prevent the automatic opening of new windows,

prevent the Remote Console from running. Disable any pop-up blocking programs before you start
the Remote Console.

Java IRC applet displays red X when Firefox is used to run Java IRC on Linux client

Solution: Firefox browsers must be configured to accept cookies. For instructions on configuring
Firefox, see the Firefox documentation.

Unable to navigate single cursor of Remote Console to corners of Remote Console

In some cases, you might not be able to navigate the mouse cursor to the corners of the Remote
Console window.

Solution: Right-click and drag the mouse cursor outside the Remote Console window, and then
drag it back inside.

Remote Console text window not updated correctly

When you are using the Remote Console to display text windows that scroll at a high rate of speed,
the text window might not be updated correctly. This error is caused by video updates occurring

Troubleshooting Remote Console issues 307