HP P6000 Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 57

10. In the Configure Threshold Profile window, configure the threshold settings to monitor
performance of the selected storage systems against minor and major threshold levels that
you specify for the respective counters. To know about threshold monitoring, methods, and
threshold levels, see
“Threshold monitoring” (page 34)
To associate a threshold profile or a Custom threshold profile:
Select one of the following from the Select threshold profile list. 'None' is the default
selection, which indicates that the selected storage systems are not threshold monitored:
Name of the threshold profile associated with the Storage System object type. If not
already associated, it is not displayed in the Select threshold profile list. Only 'Custom'
and 'None' options are listed.
To add a threshold profile, see
“Adding threshold profiles” (page 60)
Custom, to manually select the counters and specify threshold levels.
This option is available only if you selected one storage system record.
If you select a threshold profile, the following details appear under the column headers
in read-only format:
Counters selected for threshold monitoring.
Minor and major threshold values set for the counters.
The threshold level (Minor or Major) at which you want to receive a threshold alarm
email notification.
If you select Custom, complete the following steps to select the counters and set the
threshold levels:
Select the check box for a counter.
Enter appropriate values in the Minor Value box and Major Value box.
The Minor threshold value must be greater than zero but lesser than the 65535
value and the Major threshold value.
The Major threshold value must be greater than one and the Minor threshold
value, and less than 65535.
(Optional) If you want to receive a threshold alarm email notification, select the
threshold level (Minor or Major) from the Notify starting at list. By default, notifications
are not sent when the performance reaches either the minor or major threshold level.
However, an event is logged in the Event Log window regardless of whether you
choose to be notified.
Along with selecting the threshold level, the email and SNMP settings must be
configured in HP P6000 Performance Advisor for notifications to be sent. For more
information, see
“SMTP and SNMP notification settings” (page 66)
Click Next.
11. In the Confirm Selection window, review the settings you selected or entered previously, verify
whether XCOPY & WSAME is supported by the storage system, and click Next.
Click Back if you want to make changes to any of the selected settings.
Configuring monitoring settings in HP P6000 Performance Advisor