Searching the database using the vga screen, Definition of search criteria – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 94

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
is added at the end of the current name if there is enough space left.
Note: To clear the name of a clip, press ESC to empty the NAME field, then press F1 to
assign this “empty name” to the clip.
Searching the Database using the VGA
Press F8 to access the Search Screen. The name of the current
keywords file is displayed against a red background in the center of the
Title Bar.
Different criteria can be combined to search the database :
1. Time code : if a time code value is defined, only the clips containing
that time code will be considered. To define a time code, type the
desired value when the red text cursor is visible in that field. If the
red cursor is located on another field in the lower part of the screen,
press the ← arrow key until it comes back to the TC field. The
BACKSPACE key can be used to clear the last digit entered.
2. Date from / to : restricts the search to clips created between these 2
dates. If only “Date to” is defined, all clips created before that date
will be considered ; if only “Date from” is defined, all clips created
after that date will be considered. To define a date, press the TAB
key to move the red cursor to the bottom of the screen, then press the
←/→ arrow keys until reaching the “Date from” or “Date to” field, and
enter the desired date(s). The BACKSPACE key can be used to clear
the last digit entered. Press the TAB key again to move the cursor
back to the keywords list.