Creating the keyword file from a pc, Selecting the current keyword file – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 90
MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
Creating a keyword file can be done on any PC with a simple text editor.
Make sure the file name does not exceed 8 characters, that all characters
in the file name are legal, and that it has a .KWD extension. The file can
then be imported from a floppy disk onto the server, either manually from
the DOS, or by using the “Import/Export Keywords Files” from the EVS
Maintenance Menu (refer to the “XT Technical Reference” for more details
about this option).
In the Multicam application, the keyword file can be selected either from
the VGA Setup Screen, or from the Setup Menu of the EVS remote panel
(p.3.2 F1). The operator can select any file from all the .KWD files
present in the MULTICAM\DIRECTORY. If the machine is connected to
other systems on the EVS SDTI network, the Network Server will
automatically distributes its current keyword file to all other users on the
network. For each system on the network, the operator can choose to
work with the file coming from the Network Server (set the “Keywords
File” parameter to “SERVER”), or with a local file.
Note: In a normal situation, the Network Server is the machine that has been defined as
such in the EVS Configuration Menu. However, if for any reason the network has
been interrupted or the machine designated as the Network Server is not available,
another machine on the network (the Master machine with the highest serial number)
will automatically take over this job, including the distribution of the keywords file.
Even if the original Network Server reconnects, he will not necessarily become the
actual Network Server again. The machine that actually assumes the role of Network
Server can easily be identified from the CONNECT window on the VGA or from the
Network Menu on the EVS remote panel, thanks to the “*” displayed next to its
name. That machine only has the ability to distribute its current keyword file to the
others on the SDTI network.