How to playback a clip, How to clear a clip – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual

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MULTICAM - User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006

Version 8.03


camera C, when loading the clip, 124C is loaded on the primary channel,
whatever the camera present on that channel before loading the clip.

If PREF is OFF, when recalling the clip, the camera angle will be the
same as the one who was already present on each controlled channel. If
that camera angle does not exist, the first available camera angle of the
clip will be used. Ex : if camera B is the current camera on the primary
channel, when calling clip 124, it is 124B that appears on the primary
channel, even if it is not the preferred camera angle.

When the operator is controlling only one channel (such as with PrvCtl),
the clip will appear at that location only. In the case of a clip containing
a single camera angle (only an «A», «B», «C» or «D» clip), when in full
control of all outputs, the clip recalled will appear on the primary channel.

If “Recall Clip Toggle” is enabled in the Setup Menu, pressing several
times the F_ key will always recall the first frame of the clip, but showing
the next camera angle every time the F_ key is pressed.


1. Store a clip.
2. Recall the defined clip which will be played, the corresponding F key
lights red.
3. Move the lever or press the PLAY key to start the playback of this clip
in slow motion mode


Choose the appropriate BANK where the CLIP to be erased is stored.

1. Press CLEAR, followed by F1 - F10, as required. Attention : in most
cases, no confirmation is required and the clip will be instantly deleted.

Note: The clip to be erased cannot be active prior to clearing it. It must be a clip that is not

currently activated (the function key must be GREEN).

2. If the clip is protected or if the CONFIRM DELETE CLIP parameter is

set in the SETUP menu, a warning message appears.

Note: In network mode, if this clip is included in a playlist or is currently used by another

operator, the same warning will appear.

3. Press ENTER to confirm and the selected CLIP will be erased.