EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 40

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
This parameter can not be adjusted yet. In a future version, it will be
used to select the date format between dd/mm/yy (day/month/year) and
mm/dd/yy (month/day/year).
Channel Names:
Play and Rec channels can be named (12 characters max.). The name of
record channels will be displayed on the OSD of the video monitoring
outputs when a record train is loaded, and can also be used to name clips
automatically when the “Autoname clip” parameter is set to “CAM name”.
The name of the play channel will be displayed on the OSD, but truncated
to 4 characters.
To delete a Keywords File from the Setup Screen:
Move the cursor to the Keywords File parameter using the TAB /
SHIFT+TAB keys, then press CTRL+DEL, and confirm whether you want
to delete the current keywords file from disk, or not.
The Setup screen also provides information about:
- the actual and maximum number of local clips on the server (2048 or
4096, depending on the HCTS board installed in the system);
- the actual and maximum number of clips of the database for the entire
network (6000 or 16000 clips, depending on the setting in the EVS
Configuration Menu);
- the network speed, network mode and network number as defined in
the EVS Configuration Menu ;
- the version of the Multicam software;
- the codec and video configuration used.
On XT[2]s, the system information zone displays in red configuration
parameters that are not compatible with XT servers.
For instance : IMX clips with 608 recorded lines can not be read on XTs.
Moving inside the Multicam Setup Screen
Use TAB/Shift+TAB to move from one parameter to the next/previous, and
the ←/→ arrow keys to change the value of a parameter.
Use PageUp/PageDown to access the TimeCode configuration screen.
VITC/ANC Management
There is now a second page available on the Shift-F2 page on XT[2]
servers, this page allows channel-by-channel management of VITC or
ANC TC management.
It also allows to clean or not the VBI information : the VITC being
recorded in the active video lines, it can be disrupted in play var because
of interpolation or parity violation on some fields. Moreover, if the server
inserts VITC on the output while there is already VITC on another line, it
can create problems.