EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 20

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
mode”, i.e. it start implementing its internal time code reference based on
the genlock and the last external TC value read before the TC table is
full. This means that any time code discontinuity occurring after the TC
table is full is ignored, the system assuming the TC is continuous from
that moment on. The operator can clear this internal TC table by calling
the “Resync to TC ref” function. Clearing the TC table will delete all
reference to previous time code jumps, and synchronize the internal TC to
the time code read on the LTC input of the server. From that moment on,
the system will assume that the time code was continuous for previously
recorded material, and will take into account the new time code
Note that the above explanation is only valid for record trains. For clips,
the time code of the first field of the clip is memorized at the creation of
the clip, and the timecode is always assumed continuous inside the clip.
Clearing the internal TC table will consequently have no effect on the
time code of recorded clips.
To call the “Resync to TC ref” function, simply press the F6 key and the
function is immediately performed.
Record Trains p.2.2
[F1]Guardbands : 05s00fr
[F2]Default clip duration : 04s00fr
[F3]Mark cue points : Live
[F4]Preroll : 02s00fr
[F5]Record trains OUTs : Play Through
[F6]Freeze on cue points : No
[Menu]Quit [Clr+F_]Dft [F9]PgUp [F0]PgDn
(from 00s01fr to 60s00fr)
the amount of «guardband» before and after clips.
Default : 05s00fr
Note: A clip is created immediately when the operator saves it by pressing the F_ key on
the remote, and is thus limited by the amount of material recorded at that time. This
might create a shorter guardband that indicated in the setup, if the material recorded
beyond the OUT point is shorter than the default guardband duration. The only
exception is the creation of a clip by marking an IN point but no OUT point. In this
case, the clip has a duration defined by the “Default clip duration” parameter of the
setup, and the guardband beyond the OUT point has the duration defined by the
“guardband” parameter. If the material recorded when the operator presses the F_
key to save the clip using this technique is not long enough, the F_ key will blink an
the clip will not be available until the required duration, including the guardband, is
Default Clip Duration:
(Disable, or 00s01fr to 12s00fr)
sets the duration of clips created with only IN point or only OUT point.
When set to “Disable”, both IN and OUT points are required to be able to
create a clip.
Default: 04s00fr