EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual

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MULTICAM - User’s Manual

Version 8.03

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006


Numeric doesn’t display the keywords list on the LCD, but allows the
operator to enter directly the keyword ID using the F_ keys. The Numeric
mode is faster when the operator knows the position of the keywords
inside the keywords file, either from memory, using the VGA keyword
screens, or using a print of the keywords list.
Default: List

PUSH Machine 1 & 2
(network system name and number)
Selects which machine(s) on the network clips must be sent to when
using the PUSH function on the EVS remote panel.
Default : -------- #--
Users can defined two push machines : (F3): PUSH Machine 1, (F4):
PUSH Machine 2. The clips will be pushed in sequential order.

PUSH Receive Page:
(Select one or more clip pages from 1 to 10)
Selects the page of your machine where clips sent to you by other
network operators using the PUSH function must be stored. Press the F5
key to edit this parameter, then press the F_ key corresponding to the
page number you want to select/unselect. Selected pages will be
highlighted on the LCD and the corresponding F_ key lights red. F_ keys
of unselected pages light green. To validate your selection, press
Default : Page 5

Clips p.3.3

[F1]PLST Receive Pg: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[F2]Protocol receive Page : 06

[F3]Default Xfile : Xfile #31

[F4]Grab image : Disable

[F5]Browse button : Browse

[F6]Reset Archive Status

[Menu]Quit [Clr+F_]Dft [F9]PgUp [F0]PgDn

PLST Receive Page:
(Select one or more clip pages from 1 to 10)
Selects the page of your machine where clips received when using the
PLST+CLIPS copy function must be stored. This function allows the
operator to automatically create a local copy all network clips of a playlist
when copying a local or network playlist. Refer to the description of the
Playlist copy function for details. Clip pages can be assigned
simultaneously as PUSH and PLST Receive Pages.
Default : Page 10

Protocol receive page:
Default : Protocol receive page : 6
This setting defines from which page the clips created by protocol are
stored. When a page is full, clips are stored on the next page.
Only clips created on this page (and the other protocol pages if the first
page is full) are visible for protocols.

Default Xfile:
(Xfile name and network number)