Erase, Clear, Keyer – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 140: Loop

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
Selecting E allows the pen to be used as an eraser. This facility remains
«on». When no longer required, select E again to disable it and return to
previous active drawing mode.
Selecting C allows for clearing of the entire drawing. Once selected, you
can choose between 3 options: Clr to clear, DfC to define customized
colors or you may ESCape this function without clearing any drawing.
If you select Define Color (DfC), a new screen will appear including a U-V
selection area, and an Y level selection area. Select first the color you
want to edit on the top of the screen, then select the U-V and Y values by
moving the pen on the right location of each selection area. When the
adjustment is made, move the pen to an empty zone of the screen.
The CLEAR function is also available form the remote (Shift + B) No
confirmation is required.
Can be selected with the pen, click on K (arrows appear/disappear), or
press SHIFT + A from remote control menu. This feature will cause the
drawing to dissolve on and off using the dissolve duration defined in the
SETUP (F6 - Page 1)
Loop mode is used to loop the video program output of the LSM into the
first video input. This feature allows the operator to create sophisticated
effects in successive steps. Press shift + PLST to enable this mode
1. Video and Audio, or video only can be looped (see SETUP page 7 – F6) This
allows recording a new audio track while playing back video material, (for ex. to add
a comment to a highlighted package)
2. When LOOP mode is enabled, the LSM does not record CAM A any more. As
soon as the LOOP mode is disabled, the LSM records the CAM A again.