EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual

Page 93

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MULTICAM - User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006

Version 8.03


Many functions for clip management are similar to the Clip Screen :



Call Channel from VGA is enabled. Refer to the description of the Clip
Screen for details about these functions.

The ID and name of the clip that keyword are going to be assigned to is
displayed at the bottom on the screen, along with the keywords, ranking
and archive status already assigned to that clip.

To assign a keyword to a clip :
Move the cursor to the desired keyword and press ENTER, or click on the
keyword with the stylus. The keyword will be assigned to the first
available keyword location on the last line of the screen. Repeat this to
assign more keywords (up to 3) to the current clip.

Depending on the CLIP/CAM mode, the keywords will be assigned to the
current camera angle only (CAM mode), or to all camera angles of the
current clip (CLIP mode).

If 3 keywords are already assigned to the clip, the operator has to clear
some of them to be able to assign new keywords.

To clear a keyword with the keyboard :
Press TAB to move the arrow cursor to the lower area of the screen. Red
arrows will appear around one of the keywords or ranking values. Use
the ←/→ arrows to select the keyword to remove, and press CTRL+DEL.
Press the TAB key again to move the arrow cursor back to the keywords

To clear a keyword with the stylus :
Click on the keyword to remove on the last line, the click on the
“CTRL+DEL:CLR KWD” area on the screen, or press CTRL+DEL.

To edit the ranking of the current clip with the keyboard :
Press the TAB key to move the cursor to the lower area of the screen
Use the ←/→ arrows to select the desired ranking, and press ENTER.
The selected ranking is highlighted in green.

To edit the ranking of the current clip with the stylus :
Click on the desired ranking, it becomes highlighted in green.

To clear all clips and the ranking of a clip :
Press ALT+DEL or click on “ALT+DEL:CLR ALL” : all keywords assigned
to the clip will be removed, and the ranking will be reset to the lowest
level (“-“).

To name a clip using the keywords :
Move the cursor to the desired keyword and press ALT+N. The keyword


When calling a clip with the F3 function in the Off-Air Keyword Screen, the

system will automatically switch to the On-Air Keyword Screen, since the clip to

assign keywords to has been loaded on a play channel.