Edit point (v base) – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 115

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
Version 8.03
Edit point (V BASE)
Audio is extended from the end of the previous clip and the audio on the
clip being edited is shortened.
Audio Advance
1. Enter the Playlist mode.
2. Browse to the desired clip in the playlist.
3. Press to highlight V Base (shift+A)
4. Press to highlight A ADVANCE (A)
5. Enter a value on the ‘F’ keys including leading zeros ( 0+2+1+2=
2:12), OR move the T-BAR and press enter.
The value entered will be present on the PRV SCREEN when the clip
is next to play in a playlist.
Edit point (V BASE)
Audio is shortened on the previous clip and the beginning of the clip
being edited is extended.
Note: When editing using the Video In/out as the reference point (V BASE) the Video will be
the top line on the OSD display. When editing using the Audio In/out as the reference
point (A BASE) the Audio will be the top line on the OSD display.
Audio Split
1. Enter the Playlist mode.
2. Browse to the desired clip in the playlist.
3. Press to highlight V Base (shift+A)
4. Press to highlight A SPLIT (D)
5. Jog to the point where you want to set your transition and mark an
out point if you do an audio delay or mark an in point if you do an
audio advance.
The value entered will be present on the PRV SCREEN when the clip
is next to play in a playlist.