EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 104

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
If you want to copy the EDL and the clips themselves to your local
machine, press PLST+CLP (B key). The display becomes :
The C key allows you to select between the SHORT or LONG mode for
copying the clips.
- SHORT mode (default) : only the section of the clips between the
SHORT IN and SHORT OUT as defined in the playlist will be copied,
increased by the duration of the guardbands, as defined on the
destination system.
- LONG mode : the entire original clips, including their guardbands, will
be copied on the destination system.
Once the various options have been decided, press ENTER to confirm the
copy, or MENU to cancel.
The F_ key of the destination playlist will flash until all clips have been
copied. This playlist can be recalled during that process for browsing,
editing or playback. If some clips have not yet been copied, the original
network clip is used instead.
The same command is available from the VGA clip screen in the playlist
bank. When copying a distant playlist to a local machine, a message
pops-up :
Copy Playlist xx/xx to yy.
Select Copy Playlist Mode (Space Bar)
Playlist Only
Playlist with Clips : Short Mode
Playlist with Clips : Long Mode
Esc : Cancel - Enter : Confirm
From the VGA it is also possible to do a copy short : although Ctrl+V is
by default a Copy Long, Ctrl+Shift+V executes a Copy Short.
Note: It is not possible at this time to perform a playlist copy from the local machine to a
distant one. All playlist copies must be pasted to a local machine.
Important notes when copying playlists with clips :
C o p y P l a y l i s t 1 1 / 0 3 a n d a l l n e t . c l i p s
t o P l a y l i s t 1 3 ?
[ M e n u ] : C a n c e l
[ E n t e r ] : C o n f i r m
P L S T + C L P