EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 32

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
VGA & RMT Sync :
(No, Yes, Server Nbr)
Select whether and how the current clips machine, page and bank of VGA
screens and EVS remote panel must be synchronized.
- “No” : clips machine, page and bank can be selected independently on
the VGA screen and on the EVS remote panel ;
- “Yes” : clips machine, page and bank are synchronized between VGA
screen and EVS remote panel. Connecting to the clips of a network
machine or coming back to the clips of the local machine, or selecting
a new page or bank on one side will be automatically reflected on the
other ;
- “Server Nbr” : clips pages and banks can be selected independently
on VGA and remote, but connecting to the clips of a network machine
or coming back to the clips of the local machine on the VGA or remote
panel will automatically reflect on the other.
Default : No
Default : Enable
Allows the user to disable the PGM/PRV mode from appearing on the
remote’s main menu ([A] Button).
Mapping network cam p.6.3
[F1]Authorize cam mapping : Yes
Cam A
: Local
Cam B
: Local
[F3]Cam C
: CamA/01
[F4]Cam D
: CamB/01
[Menu]Quit [Clr+F_]Dft [F9]PgUp [F0]PgDn
Note : This is a software option.
Allows to map network trains to unsued local camera position up to
camera D. If the camera is local (cam A and B on the example), no F keys
are assigned to it. If the position can be used by a network camera, the F
key is available. Select a cam position and jog with the dial to reach the
desired network camera to map.
Refer to the corresponding section is the SDTI network chapter for more
Port Device/Protocol p.7.1
RS422 #1 EVS Remote [F7]ID Type:
[F2]RS422 #2 EVS Remote ID LSM
[F3]RS422 #3 EVS Remote
[F4]RS422 #4 Sony BVW75
[F5]RS422 #5 Sony BVW75
[F6]RS422 #6 Touch Screen
[Menu]Quit [Clr+F_]Dft [F9]PgUp [F0]PgDn
This page is used to define what type of device/controller is connected to
each RS422 port of the XT.
RS422 #1: