Pgm-prv mode, 1pgm+prv (press a from main menu), 1pgm+prv – EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual

Page 54

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MULTICAM - User’s Manual

Version 8.03

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006





(Press A from MAIN MENU)

At lease 2 playback channels must be available to run this configuration.

This mode allows the operator to make replays with/or without transition
effects between all outputs. A string of replays can be put together and
played back at the operator’s discretion.

The LCD display is divided in two menus controlled by “soft” keys
(A,B,C,D). To gain access to the upper menu, press MENU from the
remote controller.

A u d . M e t . P g m S p d S o r t - > T C P o s t R o l l

M i x .

S w t o I N

S e a r c h

P r e f

Mix / Wipe L>R / Wipe R>L / Wipe U>D / Wipe D>U / Cut: These options
determine the transition effect that will occur between the PGM and PRV
pictures. The mix, wipe and cut are on the same location. Pressing this
button will browse through these effects, showing the active one on the
LCD menu. Please refer to SETUP menu to select the duration of the
transition effect.

PgmSpd/VarMax: Pressing PgmSpd once enables the PROGRAM SPEED
mode, and this function is highlighted on the LCD. Pressing the key once
more enables the VAR MAX mode, and this function appears highlighted
on the LCD. The PLAY key is flashing red while either of these modes
are enabled.
- PROGRAM SPEED mode : in this mode, only two speed values are

available from the lever : 0% when the lever is in the lower position,

P G M 1 C A M A

* P R V 1 * C A M B

A u d . M e t . P g m S p d S o r t - > T C P o s t R o l l

M i x .

S w t o I N

S e a r c h

P r e f

P . 1 B . 1

C l i p s : L O C A L R e c o r d s : L O C A L

P L 1 1 : <
M s g :

R s t C a m

L o c a l

S y n c P r v

2 n d C T R L

C a m A

C a m B

C a m C

C a m D