EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual

Page 69

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MULTICAM - User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006

Version 8.03


In this mode of the secondary menu, clips can still be directly recalled
using the F1-F10 keys of the remote panel.

If a keyword file is selected in the setup, the LCD display will be :

In this mode of the secondary menu, the F1-F10 keys are used for
keyword assignment, and thus can no longer be used to recall clips. For
a description of the keyword-related functions, please refer to the
“Keyword Management” section of this manual.

The ID of the current clip appears on the end of line 3 of the LCD display.

Push: allows the operator to easily send a copy of a clip to another
machine on the network. If a default PUSH machine is defined in the
setup, the clip will be automatically sent to that machine. If no default
PUSH machine is defined, the list of machines available on the network
will appear. As soon as the operator selects one of them, the clip is
pushed. In both cases, a message appears for a few seconds on the LCD
to confirm that the clip is being pushed and indicating the clip location
where it will be stored on the receiving machine. If the Receive Page(s)
defined on the destination machine is (are) full, the operator who tries
pushing the clip is notified. While this message is being displayed, the
operator can press the MENU key at any time to return to the normal
menu. Depending on the CAM/CLIP mode selected by the D key, only the
camera angles loaded on the controlled channels are pushed (CAM
mode), or all camera angles of the clip are pushed at once (CLIP mode).

>Archive: allows the operator to flag a clip to place it in the archive
queue of the Xfile


defined in the setup menu (p.3.3 F1). This function is

blinking when the clip is flagged for archiving, but has not yet been
archived. It is permanently highlighted when the archiving of the clip is
completed. Depending on the mode selected with the D key (CLIP/CAM),
the >ARCHIVE flag is assigned only to the camera angles of the clip
loaded on the controlled channels (CAM mode), or to all camera angles of


The EVS Xfile is a 2U device with 2 removable hard drives, that can be connected to the XNet SDTI network. Clips can be

archived to/restored from the removable medias.

1 k e y w o r d 8 9 0 1 2 3 2 k e y w o r d 8 9 0 1 2 3 k e y w o r d 8 9 0 1 2

F 1 : a c t i o n _ 1 F 6 : a c t i o n _ 6
F 2 : a c t i o n _ 2 F 7 : a c t i o n _ 7

1 1 1 A

F 3 : a c t i o n _ 3 F 8 : a c t i o n _ 8
F 4 : a c t i o n _ 4 F 9 :

p . 0 1

F 5 : a c t i o n _ 5 F 0 : N e x t p a g e

P u s h A u x

C l i p

S o r t - > T C

P o s t R o l l

> A r c h i v e

* * * N a m e

C a m