EVS MulticamLSM Version 8.03 - Dec 2006 User's Manual User Manual
Page 56

MULTICAM - User’s Manual
Version 8.03
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – Dec 2006
To return to the operational menu, press the MENU key from the Remote
R s t C a m
L o c a l
S y n c P r v 2 n d C T R L
C a m A
C a m B
C a m C
C a m D
CAM A/ B /C /D: selects the camera on the PGM output if PRV CTL is
OFF and on PRV output if PRV CTL is ON.
Note: In 5CAM configuration (5 record and 1 play) or when loading a clip where CAM E or
F exists, the operational menu will display :
R s t C a m
L o c a l
S y n c P r v 2 n d C T R L
C a m A
C a m B
C a m C
- - - >
By pressing the D key (- - - > ), the operator has access to the D, E and F cameras.
The operation menu becomes :
R s t C a m
L o c a l
S y n c P r v 2 n d C T R L
C a m D
C a m E
C a m F
< - - -
Press the D key (< - - - ) to return to CAM A, B, C selection.
Rst Cam:
This function restores the position of cameras on the active channels:
CAM A on PGM1, CAM B on PRV.
Note: When a clip/playlist is loaded on a channel, switching back to Live mode will recall
the record train, which was last used on that output. This avoids too frequent uses of
the RST CAM function.
Local: connects clips and trains to the local LSM. This function is
highlighted when both clips and records trains are connected to the local
LSM and appears only on Master/Server LSM’s when they are connected
to the SDTI network.
Sync Prv:
This option allows you to synchronize the PRV with the PGM output at the
same Timecode and same speed. This function is not available with
remote record trains.
2nd CTRL: allows the operator to swap the control of one or several play
channels between the EVS remote and a third-party controller using the
Sony BVW75 or XtenDD35 protocol. Both controllers receive the status
of the channel(s) all the time, but only one controller at a time is able to
actually control a channel. The secondary controllers are defined in
section 7 of the remote Setup Menu.
Press this function to enter the 2nd CTRL menu, select the channels that
you want to pass to the secondary controller by pressing the
corresponding A or B key, then press D (DONE) to validate your