F.3.3.1 (select: configuration) menu branches, F. (select: configuration) mask submenus, F. c – Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual
Page 624

CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem
Revision 15
Appendix F
F.3.3.1 (SELECT: CONFIGURATION) Menu Branches
CONFIG: All Mode Tx Rx Clocks D&I/ACM
CnC EDMAC Misc Mask Remote IP ()
Use the
◄ ►
arrow keys to select Tx, Rx, or Mask, and then press ENTER.
F. CONFIG: Tx Freq and CONFIG: Rx Freq Submenus
Tx-IF Frequency: 1750.0000 MHz
(LO:12500 MHz Sat:14250.0000 MHz) ()
Rx-IF Frequency: 1200.0000 MHz
(LO:12500 MHz Sat:13700.0000 MHz) ()
When you use the ODU menus to configure a BUC or LNB LO-frequency, the CONFIG: Tx→Freq
and CONFIG: Rx→Freq menu screens provide supplemental information on the bottom line. As
you edit the IF frequency, the Satellite frequency updates accordingly.
Satellite frequency = LO ± IF frequency
, where the ± sign is determined
by the LO mix setting:
• High-sided mix [–] (includes a spectral inversion);
• Low-sided mix [+].
To edit the Tx-IF or Rx Frequency, use the
◄ ►
arrow keys to select a digit to edit, and then use
arrow keys to change that digit. The available ranges are 50-180 MHz, and 950-2000
MHz (L-Band) (FAST option). The resolution is 100Hz. Press ENTER when done.
The Mask submenus allow you to selectively mask (ignore) or make active various alarms and
traffic conditions that are monitored by the modem.
Alarm Masks: AIS Buffer Ref RxIF TxClk
TxSat RxSat Terr ROp BUC LNB CEX
Use the
◄ ►
arrow keys to select BUC or LNB, and then press ENTER.