Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual
Page 198

CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem
Revision 15
Ethernet-based Remote Product Management
line Target-to-Controller response (e.g., the response to the FRW? query) will be displayed as
one line, with the latter lines overwriting the previous lines.
In order to view the full response messages, use of the HyperTerminal terminal emulation
program configured as a Telnet client is permissible.
Configure HyperTerminal as follows:
1. Be sure to properly define the “Connect To” Telnet connection properties (File
Properties), as shown below at the near right:
A) Enter the CDM-625’s
Management IP Address as
the Host Address (e.g.,
B) Enter TCP Port 23 as the Port
C) Set Connect using to TCP/IP
(Winsock) instead of COM1 or
2. For ASCII Setup (File Properties Settings ASCII Setup), as shown above at the far
A) Check the "Send line ends with line feeds" option in the ASCII Sending section.
B) Check the "Append line feeds to incoming line ends" option in the ASCII Receiving
Examples of login and remote command/query execution, when using HyperTerminal as the
interface, appear as follows: