Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual
Page 111

CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem
Revision 15
Front Panel Operation
Use the
arrow keys to scroll through the available options, and then press ENTER. The
available Framing Types are as follows:
Framing Type
► None
► IBS (FAST option)
► IDR (FAST option)
► D&Is (Drop & Insert)
(FAST option) which includes:
o D&I
(FAST option)
The D&I (Drop and Insert) multiplexer works in conjunction with the G.703
interfaces to enable the modem to transmit or receive fractional parts of a
T1 or E1 data stream.
o D&I++
(FAST option)
D&I++ is anot her C omtech pr oprietary f raming – it is a c losed-network
frame structure, similar to D&I, but which permits AUPC and EDMAC. See
Chapter 9 . C LOCK M ODES a nd D ROP & I NSERT ( D&I) for f urther
o QDI (Quad Drop & Insert)
(FAST option)
QDI is another variation of D&I that allows up to four E1 terrestrial ports to
be used.
o Framed QDI
(FAST option)
Framed QDI is a concatenation of QDI and EDMAC framing.
o D&I Enhanced
Available – when in E1-CCS; may enable ESC, and then AUPC.
► EDMACs which include:
EDMAC is C omtech E F Data’s pr oprietary f raming. I t is ba ckwards
compatible with the CDM-500, CDM-550, CDM-550T, CDM-600 and CDM-
600L. T he f raming per mits bi -directional pas sing of M &C and A UPC
(Automatic Uplink Power Control) data between local and distant-end units.
(as in the CDM-570)
EDMAC-2 is a reduced overhead version of EDMAC, and is not completely
backwards-compatible with the modems listed above, but is in some modes
(e.g., in Turbo BPSK modes and at rates above 2.048 Mbps). For further
information, see Chapter 11. EDMAC CHANNEL.
EDMAC-3 uses the same overhead as EDMAC framing, but the EDMAC
channel operated at 1/3 the rate of original EDMAC. Most of the overhead
is dedicated to carrying the remote modem’s complete status information
(including AUPC) to the near-end modem very quickly. Tailored to SNMP
proxy appl ications. F or f urther i nformation, s ee Chapter 11. E DMAC
► ESC++
ESC++ is anot her C omtech pr oprietary f raming – it is a c losed-network
frame s tructure, w hich per mits A UPC, E DMAC and ESC. F or f urther
information, see Chapter 12. ESC++.