Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual
Page 506

CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem
Revision 15
Appendix D
& Qualifier)
Number of
Description of Arguments
Response to
(Instruction &
Response to
n=Rx Framing Mode
* z=Rx Clock Invert
* O=EDMAC mode
* EEEE=EDMAC Address
T=Unit Test Mode
* eeeeeeeeeeeee=Unit Alarm Mask
W=Hi-Stab Reference choice
A=Statistics Sampling Interval
L=Rx Terrestrial Alarm Enable
Q=Tx Terrestrial Alarm Enable
U=ODU Common Enable
HHHH=Tx Backward Alarm
hhhh=Rx Backward Alarm
JJJJ=Tx Audio Volume
jjjj= Rx Audio Volume
a=Drop Type
b=Insert Type
c=Tx ESC Type
d=Rx ESC Type
e=Tx Data Invert
f=Rx Data Invert
* A=Tx Sub-Mux on/off
* B=Rx Sub-Mux on/off
* CC=Tx Sub-Mux Ratio
* DD=RX Sub-Mux Ratio
* mMAT
* rrrrr.rrr=TX Symbol Rate
* sssss.sss=RX Symbol Rate
* h=HSSI handshake control
* g=RTS/CTS setting
k=Rx Equalizer Enable
p=Power-On/Carrier-Off Enable
m=ESC enable
nnn=ESC parameters
tt=G.703 Clock Extension
* uuu.uuu.uuu.uuu.uu=IP address
* vvv.vvv.vvv.vvv=IP gateway address
* w
* G=Tx BERT State
* H=Tx BERT Pattern
* I=BERT 10E-3 Error Insert
* J=Rx BERT State
* K=Rx BERT Pattern
* w=CnC mode
* AAA=CnC frequency offset
BBBCCC=CnC search delays
D=CnC PMSI mode
same as RFM
same as RCI
same as EFM
same as ESA
same as TST
same as MSK
same as EFR
same as SSI
same as RTE
same as TTA
same as ODU
same as TBA
same as RBA
same as TVL
same as RVL
same as DTY
same as ITY
same as TET
same as RET
same as TDI
same as RDI
same as TMX
same as RMX
same as TMR
same as RMR
same as ACM
same as TSR
same as RSR
same as HHC
same as RTS
same as REE
same as PCO
same as ESC
same as SCP
same as CEX
same as IPA
same as IPG
same as TXA
same as BTX
same as TBP
same as BKE
same as BRX
same as RBP
same as CNM
same as CCF
same as CSD
same as CPM