Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual

Page 406

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CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem

Revision 15

Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM)





Front Panel VFD Mnemonic





Define the range of

ModCods over which the system will operate.

ModCod0 is BPSK Rate 0.488 (0.49 bps/Hz), while

ModCod11 is 16-QAM Rate 0.853 (3.41 bps/Hz).

Min Modcod: 00 (B 0.488 0.488 bps/Hz)

Max Modcod: 00 (B 0.488 0.488 bps/Hz)

If you wish to constrain the system to run at a fixed ModCod, set the Min and Max ModCod

values to be equal.

The value of Max ModCod may be limited by other FAST codes installed. For example,

suppose the 4100 ksps FAST option is installed, and the symbol rate set to 4100 ksps, the

theoretical maximum data rate would be 14 Mbps at ModCod 11. However, is CnC is being

used, with a 10 Mbps FAST limit, the ACM Max ModCod will be limited to ModCod 7, or 9.6


b) Unlock-Action: Choose the desired action

when the remote demod loses lock. This is

important, as the ACM system depends on the

feedback of the SNR metric from the remote demod

to determine the optimum ModCod. The choices


Go to min Tx ModCod (recommended)

–or– Maintain Tx ModCod

When distant-end demod loses lock:

Go to min Tx ModCod (Maintain,Min) ()

c) Target Eb/No margin: This is a VERY important

parameter. The ACM system is designed to switch

based on thresholds that correspond to a BER of 5 x



for each ModCod. However, in order to prevent

oscillation around two ModCods at this exact value,

0.3 dB of hysteresis has been added. The switch

points and the hysteresis are shown in Figure 17-3:

Target Eb/No Margin = 1.0 dB (0.0 – 4.5)


Figure 17-3. CDM-625 – ACM ModCod Switch Points