5 monitor: rx parameters, 6 monitor: aupc-parameters, 7 monitor: cnc-parameters – Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual
Page 175

CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem
Revision 15
Front Panel Operation
Press ENTER or CLEAR when done viewing to return to the previous menu, or use the
◄ ►
keys to select the Clear-All option. Then, at the prompt, use the
arrow keys to select Yes or
No and press ENTER to implement. Monitor: Rx Parameters
Rx-Parameters: EbNo=11.4dB ∆F=+011.7kHz
BER=0.0E-9 Buffer=51% RxLevel=-43.5dBm
If the demodulator is locked, then this screen shows the following:
This shows the value of Eb/No calculated by the demodulator. The value referred to here is the
energy per information bit (Ebi), divided by the noise spectral density (No).
The frequency offset of the received carrier, in kHz, with a displayed resolution of 100 Hz.
This is an estimate of the corrected BER.
(Buffer fill state) This shows the fill state (in percent), of the receive Buffer. After a reset, it will read
50. A value <50% indicates that the buffer is emptying, and >50% indicates that it is filling.
A dBm reading indicating the signal level of the desired receive carrier with a displayed resolution of
0.5 dB Monitor: AUPC-Parameters
AUPC-Params: Remote EbNo= 6.8 dB
Transmit Power Increase= 1.2 dB
The top line displays the value of Remote Eb/No of the demodulator at the distant end of the
satellite link. The Remote Eb/No displays Unlock if the remote Demod is unlocked.
The bottom line shows how much the AUPC system has increased the output power. If AUPC is
not enabled, then the value of Tx Power Increase displays as 0.0 dB. Monitor: CnC-Parameters
CnC-Params:PwrRatio=-04.1dB PSDR=+01.9dB
Freq-offset=-123.4kHz Delay=123.4ms
When enabled and locked, the screen displays the CnC performance data. This read-only display
updates once every second.