4 config: rx, 1 config: rx ( rx-if, 1 config: rx  rx-if – Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual

Page 121

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CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem

Revision 15

Front Panel Operation


5–21 CONFIG: Rx

RxIF Freq FEC Demod Data Descram Eq EbNo

(Data 02048.000kbps,02184.533ksps) ()

On the top line – Use the

◄ ►

arrow keys to select RxIF, Freq, FEC, Demod, Data (Symb when in

IP-ACM Mode), Descram, Eq, or EbNo, and then press ENTER.

On the bottom lineRead-only Data/Symbol rate information is provided.

When Sub-Mux is ON, the Data Rate information on the bottom line of this display

is replaced by Composite Rate information. CONFIG: Rx Rx-IF

Acquisition Sweep Range = +/- 032 kHz

Spectrum Invert=Off (Off,On) ()

Use the

◄ ►

arrow keys to select Acquisition Sweep Range or Spectrum Invert (available

options are shown in parentheses).

The Acquisition Sweep Range value determines the amount of frequency uncertainty the

demodulator will sweep over in order to find and lock to an incoming carrier. When operating at

low bit rates, large values of sweep range (compared to the data rate) cause excessively long
acquisition times. For example, when selecting ±32 kHz with a data rate of 2.4 kbps, BPSK will

result in an average acquisition time of around 3 minutes.

Use the


arrow keys to edit the setting in 10 kHz increments, and then press ENTER. The Rx

symbol rate determines the Sweep Range limits:

Rx Symbol Rate

Sweep Range Limit

±1 to symbol rate / 2 (ksps)

18 - 64 kbps

±1 to 32 kHz

64 - 389 ksps

±1 to (10% of symbol rate)

389 - 2000 ksps

±1 to 200 kHz


Use the


arrow keys to set Spectrum Invert as Off or On, and then press ENTER.

SPECTRUM INVERT should normally be in the OFF position. When in the ON

position, the Rx spectrum is inverted (which is the same as reversing the direction

of phase rotation in the demodulator). When in BPSK mode, note that the

demodulator will automatically synchronize to either the normal time-ordering of

bits FEC codeword pairs, or the inverted ordering used by certain other
