5 config: clocks, 1 config: clocks ( tx clock, 1 config: clocks  tx clock – Comtech EF Data CDM-625 User Manual

Page 129

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CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem

Revision 15

Front Panel Operation


5–29 CONFIG: Clocks

Clocking: TxClock RxBuffer/Clock

Clock-Ext Freq-Ref Int-Ref-Adjust ()

Use the

◄ ►

arrow keys to select TxClock, RxBuffer/Clock, Clock-Ext, Freq-Ref, or Int-Ref-

Adjust, and then press ENTER. CONFIG: Clocks Tx Clock

Transmit Clock = Internal(SCT)

(Int(SCT),TxTerr(TT),RxLoop, ETTSTRxS) ()

Use the


arrow keys to select from the choices shown in parentheses, and then press

ENTER. Note the following:



Internal (SCT)

This is the required setting when the Tx interface type is Audio. Indicates that the unit

will supply a clock to the DTE, which is derived from its internal high-stability source.

Tx-Terrestrial (TT)

This is the required setting when the modem’s interface type is G.703. Indicates that

the unit expects to receive a clock from the DTE, to which the unit can phase-lock its

internal circuits. If no clock is detected the modem will substitute its internal clock and

generate an alarm.


Allows the modem’s internal clock to be phas e locked to the Rx buffer clock source.

This output clock is Send Timing. Choosing Rx-Loop does not automatically select Rx-

Sat as the buffer clock source. This allows for increased flexibility for modem clock

selection. While you typically should select Rx-Sat, other choices are also available.

Example: You have an av ailable hi gh s tability 10 M Hz c lock s ource, but t he end

equipment only accepts a clock at the information data rate. Selecting Tx Clock = Rx-

Loop and Rx Buffer Clock = EXT-REF provides receive timing and send timing to the

end equipment that is sourced from the 10 MHz reference.

Ext-TT (ST = Rx Sat)

Only valid if: RS422, V.35, HSSI or LVDS, Tx and Rx data rates are equal, no RS, and

no framing.

This mode is available to permit a par ticular variation of Loop T iming. In this mode,

transmit timing is taken from the TT pins, but ST is active and gives out a copy of the

Rx Satellite Clock.

Sect. 9.1.1 CLOCK MODES