Can bus - versatility and value – TeeJet Legacy 6000 Manual User Manual

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Chapter 1 - introduction


adding additional product control is easy

Single high speed CaN bus cable entering the cab

mapper utility for mapping points, lines, and polygons using just the Leg-

acy console
Version 3.11 or later capable of working with gen i and gen ii CaN mod-

external (eXt) option to operate as external computer to already installed

multiple Product Variable Rate capable

CaN BuS - VeRSatiLity aNd VaLue

the Legacy 6000 utilizes CaN Bus technology, an industry standard that teeJet
technologies uses to execute precise product control in an environment more ro-
bust than any of its predecessors. Controller area Network (CaN) is a system
comprised of independent, intelligent modules connected by a single high-speed
cable known as a bus, over which all the data in the system travels. CaN was origi-
nally developed for the automotive industry to provide a cost-effective means for a
large number of electronic functions or systems to be interconnected without large,
expensive, and troublesome wiring harnesses.

within a CaN system each module contains its own microprocessor. all modules
share a standard protocol or communication sequence that conforms to the iSo
11898 standard. Since modules have built-in computing power, a CaN system is
extremely flexible and easily expands to meet a customer’s needs.

Individual modules have specific and unique functions to execute, as well as the
responsibility to constantly report the functions and current status. data on the
CaN is available many times a second, allowing the operation of a quick and re-
sponsive control system.

the Legacy 6000 uses 4 types of modules, each having a unique function de-
scribed in the following text. the console located inside the cab is one of the
modules and serves as the user interface. the remaining modules are positioned
around the chassis close to the area they influence. For instance, the Dual Control
module (dCm) connects to the actuator and sensor and controls the actual release
of the product. upgrading from two-product to four-product application (or more) is
simply a matter of adding additional dCm’s to the system.