Mapper tools – TeeJet Legacy 6000 Manual User Manual

Page 135

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Chapter 6 - mapper


maPPeR tooLS

the primary task performed on the Map page is object mapping. in mapper, ob-
jects include points, poly-lines, or polygons. as previously described, point and
hazard objects can be predefined during marker setup. Each predefined object has
a corresponding softkey on the Map page.

mapping objects are accessed via the Map Object softkey. Pressing this softkey will
launch a menu containing all object types. each mapper tool selected will prompt
the operator for an object name. the object name is the label for the item being
mapped (refer to ChaPteR 6 - oBJeCt Name CReatioN). to select an object,
use the Arrow keys followed by the Enter button.

Figure 6-11: Mapper Page

Table 6-4: Map Page Softkeys



Point-mark. maps a single point. Press to mark a point. a prompt will request a name

each time a point is marked.

Point-Stream. maps a stream of points at the data collection interval rate. Press to turn

stream oN and oFF. a prompt will request an object name.

Polyline-mark. map or locate features represented by a line of discrete points. Press to

mark a point along the polyline. a prompt will request an object name.

Polyline-Stream. map or locate features represented by a line of streaming points.

Press to turn streaming oN and oFF. a prompt will request an object name.

Arrow keys

Enter button

Map Object

